WWE Hall of Famer Abdullah the Butcher able to stand up again thanks to help from Diamond Dallas Page

Last month, it was reported that former WCW star Lex Luger was able to stand out of his wheelchair without assistance after doing rehabilitation with Diamond Dallas Page.

In a video published to his Facebook page, it was revealed that WWE Hall of Famer Abdullah the Butcher is able to stand up again thanks to help from DDP. It was noted by Adullah’s caretaker Miss Malika that he can now raise his arms and dress himself independently. Malika highlighted how Abdullah’s progress, including recovery from a bleeding ulcer, has also eased her work as his caretaker.

Abdullah expressed gratitude to DDP and others while crediting them for keeping him off the streets. The following was written as the video’s caption…

“Thanks to Tom, Diamond Dallas Page, and all of my awesome fans and friends for your help and great support! I am Abdullah the Butcher because of you guys! Don’t forget that!”