WWE could be cutting back on the number of live events (house shows) produced in the future

While speaking at Monday’s UBS media conference, WWE COO Mark Shapiro discussed the possibility of WWE cutting back on the number of live events (house shows) produced in the future…

“While there’s a reason to have them because it’s good for the brand, we’re building [an] audience, we’re putting them on in C and D counties, so we’re really stretching the brand, and we’re amassing a greater array of eyeballs from all demos so it’s good for our long-term growth. Through a margin perspective, they are dilutive. So there’s probably an opportunity as we go through our efficiencies and our synergy opportunities to cut back on some of those non-televised events, which will push our margin up so we are going through that exercise now.” (quote courtesy of SEScoops.com)

WWE currently runs around 300 events a year with 170 of those being televised.