What is being said about Gable Steveson’s appearance during the 6/20/23 edition of WWE NXT

Olympic Gold Medalist Gable Steveson made a surprise appearance during the June 20th 2023 edition of WWE NXT. Steveson approached Eddie Thorpe and offered to train him for his upcoming “RAW Underground” match against Steveson’s brother Damon Kemp.

During Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer of F4WOnline.com explained why Steveson might not be wrestling in WWE soon despite the appearance…

“He’s got stuff he wants to do and now it’s a question of WWE clearing him. Last year he wanted to come back to University of Minnesota, he’s got one year of [NCAA] eligibility left because he wanted to be a three-time heavyweight champion because there’s nobody ever in the United States that’s a three-time heavyweight champion and a gold medalist, and he’s already got his gold medal.” (quote courtesy of WrestlingInc.com)