What is being said about FOX censoring The Rock’s profanity on WWE Smackdown

It was previously reported that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s social media promos have allegedly rubbed some WWE talent the wrong way because of him being able to use profanity in a company with PG guidelines. On television, Rock’s usage of profanity has been censored.

During Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer of F4WOnline.com commented on the “Rock concert” segment from the March 15th 2024 edition of Smackdown…

“I mean, they bleeped a lot of stuff on Smackdown… The deal with the TV, what they have to do is, FOX gets the script ahead of time so they know when to bleep. Because the whole thing, The Rock promo, obviously it’s completely scripted. If it was anyone else, they would just be not allowed to say it, but with The Rock, it’s like, he can say whatever he wants, but they know what he’s gonna say and when he’s gonna say it, so anything they wanna bleep out, they will bleep out. And they know when to bleep it out because they’re told ahead of time. So that’s kind of the gist of the promo and why certain things were bleeped out and everything like that, and they didn’t miss on anything.” (quote courtesy of WrestlingNews.co)