What Erick Rowan of the Wyatt Sicks said during the July 15th 2024 edition of WWE RAW

During the July 15th 2024 edition of WWE RAW, a VHS tape was played with a promo from Erick Rowan of the Wyatt Sicks. Here is what Rowan had to say…

Uncle Howdy asks, “How have you been?”

Rowan: “I’m not going to lie, the last few years have been very, very hard. You know I used to have a family. We were unstable, inseparable, always had each other’s backs. And then one day, just The whole world changed. I… I lost a brother. The person in this world who believed in me more than anybody else, just gone. It knocked me on my ass, I’m not going to lie. But in those situations, you get up, then you wipe the dust off, and you just keep moving because that’s what you got to do. Life goes on. Just when I thought I had everything going, my elder brother, It was gone, too. Which meant I had no more family, no more will. I think. I fell down a well. I couldn’t get out. I didn’t want to get out. Why? Why would I want to get out? I felt catatonic. I couldn’t move, numb to everything, numb to the world. And who’s going to miss me? I’m just Rowan.”

Howdy tosses mask to Rowan and asks, “How does that make you feel?”

Rowan: “It gives me hope. You know, when I was At my lowest. And you reached out to me and he pulled me up. When I saw your hand, I accepted it because I knew I needed it. I knew I needed help. And I got up, and now I had a purpose. A purpose in my life, a purpose to help those like myself. This reminds me of that beacon of hope. We’re going to take our broken hearts and make some beautiful art.”