What CM Punk said about LGBTQ+ rights after AEW Collision went off the air

After the debut of AEW Collision went off the air, a fan that was holding up a “Support LGBTQ+ Kids” sign was brought into the ring by CM Punk and FTR. Punk then said the following to the live audience…

“The reason I support trans kids, trans grownups, gays, straight, lesbians, whoever, is because I know when I was growing up, I didn’t fit in anywhere. That it was because of the clothes I wore, what my hair looked like, the music I listened to. Those are all things I can rectify. I can cut my hair, I can listen to jazz, I don’t know what. But to be somebody who’s gay, lesbian, and especially trans — I don’t know what it feels like to be trapped in a body that I don’t feel I belong in. That is why I support that. Because I know I didn’t fit in anywhere until I found pro wrestling and all the freaks and geeks in the locker room were just like me. Maybe because they’re a little psychotic and they couldn’t hold a real job, but that’s another story. Support trans kids. Support gay and lesbian rights. I want everyone to be themselves. Just do no harm to everybody else. Thank you, I love you.” (quote courtesy of 411Mania.com)