Wardlow on his 2022 popularity: “I almost feel like it slipped through my fingers without me realizing it”

During an appearance on Busted Open Radio, Wardlow reflected on his popularity in 2022 and first run with the AEW TNT title…

“The unfortunate part of that is, I didn’t really comprehend it at the time. That’s something that eats at me, a lot, I admit. I didn’t comprehend what I was at the time and I don’t think I ever gave myself credit for it. I almost feel like it slipped through my fingers without me realizing it. Not that I’m any less than, but obviously, the steam was at a different level then, and my whole goal right now is chasing that. I want to be that again but actually feel it and comprehend it. I don’t know what we’re going to do to get there, but I’m ready to win this title and I’m ready to, unlike last time, I want to defend that title. It’s the the TV title, it should be defended on TV regularly. I want to go back to the open challenge. If and when I win the title, I would like to do an open challenge weekly or bi-weekly, and I want to run through this roster. There are still a lot of people that I have not been in the ring with. There are a lot of people that I want to prove myself against. Now is the time. I’m done playing little kid games.” (quote courtesy of Jeremy Lambert)