Vince McMahon sex trafficking lawsuit to be delayed at the request of U.S. Justice Department

It was reported by The Wall Street Journal in January of 2024 that Janel Grant, a former WWE employee, filed a lawsuit against WWE, Vince McMahon, and John Laurinaitis in a Connecticut federal court. McMahon was accused of sex trafficking in the complaint.

According to a report on, the lawsuit has been delayed at the request of the United States Justice department. Grant’s lawyer Ann Callis released the following statement to Bloomberg…

“Ms. Grant has consented to a request by the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York to stay her case against Mr. McMahon, WWE and Mr. Laurinaitis, pursuant to a pending non-public investigation. We will cooperate with all appropriate next steps.”

McMahon’s attorney Jessica Rosenberg also issued a statement to

“We remain confident the evidence will prove Ms. Grant’s allegations are false and her complaint is nothing more than a fabricated, vindictive narrative from a disgruntled former girlfriend.”