Update on Warner Brothers Discovery’s financial offer to AEW for a media rights renewal

In recent months, there has been speculation surrounding the future of AEW’s media rights. Earlier this week, former Hollywood Reporter editor Matthew Belloni claimed that AEW President Tony Khan was said to been “disappointed” with the current financial offer from Warner Brothers Discovery.

Dave Meltzer of F4WOnline.com noted that while a deal hasn’t been reached yet, people from AEW’s side are saying that they were not disappointed in the WBD offer. It’s believed that the figure they are at is less than what AEW wants and the company could end up waiting until the exclusive negotiating window closes.

Meltzer wrote the following about the negotiations…

“The figures being talked about are said to be considerably more than the estimated $110 million per year, or slightly more, that would in theory take the company into profitable range. There is talk of figures being between 50 percent above and as much as nearly double the current number said to be already on the table. The latter figure in particular would open up the potential of tens of millions more annually for talent acquisitions and other expansions in the budget.”