Tony Schiavone comes to the defense of former WWE/WCW writer Vince Russo

During his podcast, former WCW announcer Tony Schiavone said the following about the Who Killed WCW? documentary…

“I have watched some of the ‘Dark Side of the Ring,’ but I won’t watch that. Because I know what it is — it’s a hatchet job. I see these people talking to the camera in ‘Dark Side of the Ring,’ and I’m going, ‘What are we doing?’ Have some freaking respect for the business that paid you a lot of money.”

Schiavone also came to the defense of former WWE/WCW writer Vince Russo…

“I hate it that Russo gets all the sh*t that he gets. It’s not fair. Vince Russo worked endlessly, tirelessly, to put a product together. He did. And [he] was good to me, and was a good guy. And I’m honest about that.” (quotes courtesy of