Tony Khan says that Shane McMahon “is always welcome in AEW”

Over the past several days, there has been internet speculation surrounding Shane McMahon potentially working with AEW. During the Grilling JR podcast, Conrad Thompson said the following to Jim Ross about the idea of Shane in AEW…

“There was a friend of ours, I shouldn’t say their name, but he went out of his way to text me and say, ‘Hey, that’s not as crazy as you think. I know for sure that Shane McMahon has reached out to wrestlers on the AEW roster to at least hypothetically discuss the idea.'”

While speaking to, AEW President Tony Khan commented on the matter…

“I heard the rumor he might be interested. I’ve never met Shane, but we have a lot of mutual friends. I have a lot of respect for him as an executive and a professional wrestler. Shane is always welcome in AEW.”

Shane is reportedly not under any kind of contract with WWE as a talent or legend and is free to work for AEW.