Tommaso Ciampa shoots on “No One Will Survive” being his WWE entrance music again

During an appearance on Ryan Satin’s Out of Character podcast, Tommaso Ciampa commented on “No One Will Survive” being his WWE entrance music again…

“I didn’t have a clue that my music was going to be ‘No One Will Survive’ until seconds before walking out the curtain. I was going through my warm up and I said to someone, ‘What’s my music going to be?’ ‘I don’t know, I guess we should have thought about that.’ No rehearsal or anything. ‘What do you want it to be?’ ‘The new one is very good, I like it a lot, it is also very slow and fantastic when I’m a methodical heel. I do have this old NXT music that is probably better for this specific scenario where I’m going to be a surprise.’ That was the whole conversation, it was probably three minutes before I went out. Seconds before I went out, somebody did thumbs up, ‘No one will survive.’ I was amped when I heard it and the crowd reaction was so good.” (quote courtesy of Jeremy Lambert)