Seth Rollins says WWE is “the premier professional wrestling company on the planet”

In an interview with the Gorilla Position podcast, Seth Rollins was asked about who he would like to see join WWE next in the aftermath of Cody Rhodes returning to WWE…

“Oh man, anybody who wants to come work in the big leagues. I said it to him, I’ve said it before, this is the premier professional wrestling company on the planet. I know, ‘Oh don’t say professional wrestling,’ doesn’t matter. We have the best in the world and now we have Cody Rhodes on top of that and he is joining that club. So if you want to be the best, don’t go play rinky-dink, come here, do your thing here.

We are the best, top-notch, across the board. I’m not taking anything away from anybody else who is anywhere else, I love it, do what you do, you guys are tremendous and there are great talents out there, but this is where you are the best. This is where you find out if you can hack it on the top top top level.” (quote courtesy of