Samoa Joe opens up about being fired twice by WWE

During an appearance on Renee Paquette’s podcast, Samoa Joe opened up about being fired twice by WWE in April of 2021 and again in January of 2022…

“Initially, as I understand it, unconfirmed, there were issues between the two upper echelons of management and they were playing out their war with the careers and contracts of the people underneath them. After the initial one, I didn’t have much of a chance to breathe because, essentially, I was hired back within hours. The second time, I just kind of chuckled as I realize it was very much the same situation. At the same time, I wasn’t bitter or mad. The truth of it is, and this is to give WWE some credence, is that I was expensive. I was expensive to keep around. If cutting my contract, if they say that saved the company money, trust me, I believe it did. I wasn’t hot about that. It was just more the silliness of the situation, what they were doing, and the reasoning why they were doing it, which I can never officially confirm, but I’ve heard from enough people that I have a pretty good idea…including many of the people involved. After that, I think I spent a day pissed. More of the situation than the actual firing. Then, all these super awesome opportunities literally materialized.” (quote courtesy of Jeremy Lambert)