Ric Flair “30 for 30” director addresses Dark Side of the Ring episode

Rory Karpf, who directed the Ric Flair 30 for 30 documentary for ESPN, was interviewed by WrestlingInc.com in regards to the Dark Side of the Ring episode about the “Plane Ride from Hell” in 2002.

Here is what Karpf had to say about the incident and what was covered in his documentary…

“I’d never heard that he had forced someone to touch his genitals. Everything with Ric that was construed as negative I tried to address in the 30 for 30. His drinking, his philandering, his adultery, his money problems, there’s quite a bit, but never, at least in the people that I spoke to, no one ever brought up that he would force himself on somebody. I did hear about him exposing himself, which to me is still troubling, very troubling behavior, and that is addressed in the 30 for 30.”

“I was really proud of the Ric Flair 30 for 30, Nature Boy, but I do think the criticism of it, I can’t remember that person who wrote the article, but there was an article. Someone wrote about it, and they clipped off the clip from there, and I think it’s a valid criticism. As a filmmaker, as a person, I want to be open to criticism, and looking back, I don’t want to be someone who gives that kind of behavior a pass, especially if it causes someone else pain. I think that’s what really struck me is that on the episode, the flight attendant said some of these guys go back to their hotel room, and they pass out and they have a headache, but she’s crying in the shower. It’s something that, it seems, still affects her to this day, and I think if we’re going to live in a society that cares about people and each other, we should listen and take that stuff seriously.”

You can check out the full interview below…