Results of Trick Williams vs. Carmelo Hayes at WWE NXT Stand and Deliver 2024

Trick Williams vs. Carmelo Hayes took place during the WWE NXT Stand and Deliver 2024 PLE in Philadelphia, PA. Here are the highlights…

* Hayes slapped Williams on the back of the head and then slapped his face in the early moments. Williams quickly took Hayes to the outside and they fought in the crowd.

* The two returned to ringside and they collided after going for dropkicks at the same time. Hayes gained the upper hand and came off the top with a frogsplash but Williams kicked out. Hayes hit a codebreaker but Williams kicked out again.

* Willaims inadvertently splashed the referee in the corner. Hayes grabbed a chair but Williams took it away and used it on Hayes. The recovered referee took the chair from Williams and Hayes hit a low blow while the referee wasn’t looking. The referee then got knocked down again. Hayes hit Nothing But Net and a second referee ran down but Williams was able to kick out.

* Hayes tried to use the chair again but the referee took it away. Williams then hit the Trick knee and scored the pinfall victory.