Results of Toni Storm vs. Serena Deeb at AEW Double or Nothing 2024

Toni Storm (c) vs. Serena Deeb for the women’s title took place at AEW Double or Nothing 2024. Here are the highlights…

* The crowd chanted “Toni” right at the start of the match. Serena put Toni in a “paradise lock” and the fight went to the outside. Serena gave Toni a neckbreaker on the floor and continued to deliver offense back in the ring. There was a “let’s go Toni” chant.

* The two exchanged nearfalls. Toni made a comeback and deliver a finisherman suplex but Serena kicked out. Toni applied a cloverleaf submission but Serena got to the rope. Serena regained the upper hand with a neckbreaker followed by a lariat but Toni kicked out. Serena applied a single leg crab and smashed Toni’s knee into the mat. Mariah May wanted to throw in the towel but was stopped by Luther and Toni was finally able to reach the rope. Toni grabbed the towel from Luther and threw it into the crowd.

* Back in the ring, Toni hit Serena with a German suplex and Serena flipped off Toni. Toni hit the Storm Zero but Serena kicked out. Serena gave Toni the Detox on the apron and then hit another one in the ring but Toni kicked out. Toni came back with an avalanche Storm Zero and then one more regular one to score the pinfall victory.