Results of Orange Cassidy vs. Jon Moxley at AEW All Out 2023

Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Jon Moxley for the AEW International title took place at AEW All Out 2023. Here are the highlights…

* Both were shown walking from the backstage area to the arena for their respective entrances.

* Cassidy missed an early attempt at the Orange Punch and was suplexed twice by Moxley. Cassidy briefly made a comeback but it was short-lived and he was sent to the outside of the ring. Cassidy was sent into the ring post and was busted open. Moxley targeted the wound and started biting Cassidy.

* Cassidy stayed in the fight by raking the back of Moxley and biting him. Cassidy was able to hit an Orange Punch but Moxley kicked out.

* Moxley regained control with a bulldog choke and transitioned to other submissions but Cassidy managed to reach the rope and roll to the outside. Moxley went outside and exposed the cement. However, Cassidy was able to counter Moxley and deliver beach break on the exposed floor. Moxley barely beat the ten count back into the ring.

* Cassidy busted out a spear but Moxley kicked out. Cassidy did his classic kicks but then started laying them in hard. Moxley fought back and hit the death rider but Cassidy kicked out. Cassidy flipped off Moxley before Moxley won the match with another death rider.

* After the match, fans gave Cassidy a standing ovation and chanted “thank you Orange” at him.