Results of Nathan Frazer and Axiom vs. The O.C. at WWE NXT Battleground 2024

Nathan Frazer and Axiom (c) vs. The OC (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson) for the tag team titles took place during the WWE NXT Battleground 2024 PLE in Las Vegas, NV. Here are the highlights…

* The OC targeted Axiom’s taped up shoulder right away. However, Axiom was able to quickly regroup and tagged in Frazer. Axiom tagged back in but The OC was able to regain control. Axiom was eventually able to make the hot tag to Frazer. Frazer hit a standing shooting star to Anderson and then went for a Phenoix splash but Anderson avoided it. Gallows tagged in and delivered a sitdown power but Axiom made the save.

* The OC went for the Magic Killer but Axiom avoided it. Frazer saved Axiom from being pinned and things broke down. Frazer was chokeslammed on the ring apron. Back in the ring, Anderson hit a cutter from the top rope but Axiom kicked out. Frazer recovered and took down Gallows on the outside. Axiom hit an avalanche Spanish fly to Anderson and then Frazer pinned Anderson with a Phoenix splash.