Results of Cody Rhodes vs. Solo Sikoa at WWE Summerslam 2024 PLE

Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Solo Sikoa for the WWE Universal title took place at the WWE Summerslam 2024 PLE in Cleveland, OH. Here are the highlights…

* Before the match, The Miz and R-Truth announced that an United States attendance record was broken for Summerslam. Austin Theory and Grayson Waller confronted hijacked the segment but Jelly Roll came into the ring and hit them with a chair. Jelly Roll gave Theory a chokeslam followed by a five knuckle shuffle with Miz and R-Truth.

* While walking backstage with his dog Pharoh, Cody ran into Arn Anderson. Arn gave Cody a pep talk and said that Cody had some friends on the way.

* The two had a feeling out process in the early moments. Solo gained the upper hand and taunted the crowd. Solo hit two Samoan drops but Cody kicked out. Solo went for the Samoan spike but Cody countered it and delivered a Cody Cutter. Cody went for a disaster kick but Solo caught him and hit a powerbomb. Solo dropped Cody with a spinning Solo but Cody kicked out.

* Cody was finally able to build up some momentum and hit the Cross Rhodes but then the Tongas arrived. After they attacked Cody, Solo went for the cover but Cody kicked out. Kevin Owens and Randy Orton ran down to make the save for Cody.

* Cody hit the Cross Rhodes on Solo but Solo kicked out. Owens and Orton fought with the Tongas into the crowd and the match was back to one-on-one.

* Cody used the steel steps on Solo but then Solo took down Cody with a spear. Solo went for a hip attack but missed and hit the steel steps. Cody delivered Cross Rhodes three times but then Jacob Fatu attacked Cody. Jacob put Solo’s body over Cody but Cody still managed to kick out.

* Fatu put Cody through the announce table with a frogsplash. Solo got Cody back in the ring and hit his own frogsplash but Cody kicked out. Cody fought back with a Cody cutter and both men were down. At this point, Roman Reigns made his return with new music.

* Reigns came into the ring and hit Solo with a superman punch followed by a spear. Reigns looked over at Cody and left the ring. Cody then pinned Solo with Cross Rhodes to retain his title.