Results of Cody Rhodes vs. Kevin Owens at WWE Bash in Berlin 2024 PLE

Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Kevin Owens for the WWE Universal title took place at the WWE Bash in Berlin 2024 PLE. Here are the highlights…

* The crowd gave them a standing ovation and chanted “both these wrestlers” as the match started. The two shook hands and there was a feeling out process in the early minutes. Cody gained the early momentum with a disaster kick that sent Owens to the outside.

* Back in the ring, Cody applied a figure four but Owens got to the ropes. Owens then took Cody to the outside and delivered a frogsplash on the floor. Owens brought Cody back into the ring and worked over the ribs.

* Owens gave Cody a rolling senton from the second ropes but Cody kicked out. Owens went for a stunner but Cody was able to counter it with a Cross Rhodes.

* Cody and Owens exchanged strikes, headbutts, slaps, and superkicks. Cody went for another disaster kick but started favoring his knee. Owens hesitated but Cody stated that he was “ok” and Owens finally went after the knee. Owens went to powerbomb Cody on the ring apron but decided against it.

* Back in the ring, Owens delivered a stunner but Cody kicked out. Cody countered a popup powerbomb attempt and went for multiple Cross Rhodes. Owens was able to come back with another stunner but Cody kicked out again.

* Owens went for a swanton but Cody got his knees up. Cody then got the win with another Cross Rhodes. After the match, Owens gave Cody a hug and raised his hand.