Results of Chase U vs. Nathan Frazer & Axiom at WWE NXT No Mercy 2024 PLE including a heel turn

Chase U (Andre Chase and Ridge Holland) vs. Nathan Frazer & Axiom for the NXT tag team titles took place during the WWE NXT No Mercy 2024 PLE. Here were the highlights…

* Frazer and Axiom had the early momentum until Ridge tagged in and showcased his strength. After Chase tagged back in, Frazer and Axiom worked together to regain the advantage.

* Ridge tagged back in and dominated the match. Ridge came off the top with a flying headbutt to Axiom but Frazer broke up the pin attempt.

* Things broke down with all four men in the ring. Frazer accidentally knocked Axiom off the top rope and Chase gave Axiom an avalanche Spanish fly.

* Ridge came off the top with a doomsday device but couldn’t put away Frazer. Chase and Ridge double teamed Frazer but Axiom was able to make the save.

* Frazer and Axiom double teamed Chase but couldn’t get the win. After Axiom accidentally superkicked Frazer, the champions hit a backstabber/powerbomb combo but Axiom still managed to kick out.

* Axiom hit his Spanish Fly to Chase and then Frazer pinned Chase with the Phoenix splash to win the tag titles.

* After the match, Ridge snapped and attacked members of Chase U. Ridge ended up dropping Chase with a DDT on the announce table. A stretcher was brought out and the crowd chanted “one more time.”