Plans for WWE Wrestlemania 42 in 2026 reportedly not locked in despite internet speculation

While speaking in a Twitter/X Q&A video, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro touted scheduled events that the city will host as part of America’s 250th Anniversary and mentioned Wrestlemania. This led to speculation that the event will be returning to Philadelphia in 2026.

According to Mike Johnson of, WWE sources spoken to were surprised by Shapiro mentioning Wrestlemania as it was not something that has been discussed internally. Johnson stated the following…

“We are also told by a well placed source who would be involved that that the location for Mania 2026 has NOT locked in stone as of this writing. There are some in the company who wondered if Shapiro just meant to reference WWE as a whole, not Mania itself and incorrectly spoke, but couldn’t state whether that was indeed the case.”

Shapiro’s video has since been deleted from his Twitter/X account. Manuel Bonder, Spokesman for Governor Shapiro, then commented on the matter…

“This statement was mistaken, and we apologize for the confusion amid all the incredible events Pennsylvania is excited to host in 2026. While WrestleMania won’t be here in ‘26, we look forward to continuing to work with WWE and wrestling fans all across our Commonwealth to bring more great events to PA in the future.”