Paul London tells story about Ashley Massaro crying to him because of Vince McMahon

During an appearance on Rene Dupree’s podcast, former WWE star Paul London talked about the hush money allegations made towards Vince McMahon. London told a story about what the late Ashley Massaro said to him regarding McMahon…

“I do remember specifically, many times when she would, she would be crying to me because Vince was propositioning her to fly on the jet with them like Kevin Dunn – buck tooth Bucky would be telling her that she has to fly on the jet with them. They’d always put the Divas up at like the TV hotel or whatever, you know, he’d been knocking on her door and you know, trying to get her to answer. It’s just like I’m shocked this Vince stuff is just now coming out. I haven’t looked up on a lot of it… I just would rather not but I’m surprised it hasn’t come out within the last 10 years. But it just goes to show how afraid people are of that power dynamic where they’re so fearful of losing their job or and it’s like what does that say about you if you’re protecting this 90-year-old f**king corpse with a thong tan line just because he’s a billionaire. I mean it’s like I said money changes people.” (quote courtesy of