Paul Heyman: “I think I’m successful because I never really wanted a real job in my life”

WWE Hall of Famer Paul Heyman did an interview with Jazzy’s World TV and here are the highlights courtesy of…

“A life lesson that shaped or helped him on his journey to success: “I think I’m successful just because I never really wanted a real job in my life and I have successfully avoided having a real job for the entire width of my existence. It was probably from my mother saying you’re a schmuck and nobody’s going to like you so do what you want with your life anyway.”

Favorite WWE moment: “I haven’t lived it yet. Every moment I’ve been in WWE has been my favorite, which means the next moment I have, that will become my favorite… I always strive for tomorrow to be better than today, and for the day after tomorrow to be better than tomorrow.”

Proudest moment: “My proudest moment is the fact that I have made it all the way here, to date, to this interview, and have not been fired yet.”