Paul Heyman gives his thoughts on how AEW is doing as a promotion

During an interview with Ariel Helwani, Paul Heyman was asked about how he thinks AEW is doing as a promotion…

“Oh they’re viable. They are a viable entity, and God bless them for being there.”

Heyman than explained why his opinion on the brand shouldn’t matter…

“I’m not the audience, so it doesn’t… my personal opinion on their product… if I were to sit here and go, ‘My God, they’re great!’… who cares what I think? But that’s just a personal opinion. They’re not geared towards me and if I sat there and went, ‘Oh my God, they suck, they’re horrible!’… I don’t think they should care about that either. It’s like when [UFC President] Dana White gave his opinion of WWE and it wasn’t flattering, and I was asked about it, and my answer was, ‘And? Who gives a f–k?’ I don’t think AEW should give a f–k what I think about them. They should care what the fans think, what their audience and what their potential audience thinks about them. Here’s who we have, we need to super-serve them, we need to make them continue to be loyal to us, and we need to expand that base. We need to take that person and lure them in, we need to find people who love WWE and lure them to our tribe, and we need to find people who have never seen sports entertainment/pro wrestling, combat sports, etc., etc., and lure them onto our show, for whatever reason we can justify them coming to pay to see our product. That should be their mission. What Paul Heyman thinks of them should be of no concern to them.” (quotes courtesy of