Original creative direction for CM Punk following the 2022 AEW All Out PPV revealed

During an appearance on Renee Paquette’s podcast, Stokely Hathaway of The Firm commented on how his group was originally supposed to feud with CM Punk following the 2022 AEW All Out PPV…

“Everything that was supposed to happen with The Firm did not happen. Back at All out, what happened immediately after the Pay-Per-View, that was a huge part of it. Who we were supposed to directly feud with is no longer in the company. That was one thing I was looking forward to because I was hand-chosen for that role. I’m just going to say it. I don’t know the specifics about people choosing sides. I just know that CM Punk said ‘hey, I want to work with this guy.’ That means a lot, regardless of what has happened. Everyone in the group is trying to do their best.” (quote courtesy of SEScoops.com)