New report on how Vince McMahon is planning to make his WWE return

It was reported in December of 2022 that Vince McMahon told people he intends to make a WWE comeback following his retirement and claims he agreed to pay millions of dollars in hush money to women over a 16-year period.

Lauren Thomas of has a new article about McMahon’s plan to make a WWE return. According to people close to the matter, McMahon told people in the company that he plans to elect himself to its board. Here is an excerpt from the article…

“Mr. McMahon, who has majority voting power through his ownership of WWE’s Class-B stock, has told the company that he is electing himself and two former co-presidents and directors, Michelle Wilson and George Barrios, to the board, the people said. The move to reinstate Mr. McMahon, which the board previously rebuffed, and the others will require three current directors to vacate their positions.”

McMahon will also reportedly seek to become executive chairman. You can check out the full article at the link below…