New filing submitted against doctor in Vince McMahon sex trafficking lawsuit

It was reported by The Wall Street Journal in January of 2024 that Janel Grant, a former WWE employee, filed a lawsuit against WWE, Vince McMahon, and John Laurinaitis in a Connecticut federal court. McMahon was accused of sex trafficking in the complaint.

In an update on the case, a new filing has been submitted against Dr. Carlon Colker…


Plaintiff Janel Grant (“Plaintiff” or “Ms. Grant”) hereby submits this memorandum of law in opposition to Defendants Carlon M. Colker, M.D. (“Dr. Colker”) and Peak Wellness, Inc.’s (“Peak Wellness”) (collectively, “Defendants”) Motion to Dismiss (D.E. 104.00, 105.00.) Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss should be denied in full.

Ms. Grant is a former employee of World Wrestling Entertainment, LLC (“WWE”) who was the victim of horrific physical and emotional abuse, sexual assault, and trafficking at the hands of WWE’s Founder and Executive Chairman Vincent K. McMahon and former WWE executive John Laurinaitis. While Ms. Grant was employed by WWE, McMahon actively arranged, encouraged, and insisted that Ms. Grant be treated by a local Connecticut physician, Dr. Colker, and his practice, Peak Wellness from approximately November 22, 2019 through April 15, 2022. During that time, Dr. Colker was in direct communication with McMahon. Upon information and belief, McMahon, through Defendants, obtained access to Ms. Grant’s private medical information and dictated treatments she was to receive as part of his pattern of coercive control over every intimate aspect of her life.

Ann Callis, lawyer for Janel Grant, also gave a statement…

“Imagine being at your most vulnerable, and the doctor you are told to see only makes you feel worse. Our filing today makes clear that Dr. Colker violated ethical and medical standards when he injected unknown substances into Janel’s body and directed her to take unlabeled pills while dismissing her basic questions about those drugs. Peak Wellness owes Janel Grant answers and the clinic’s secrecy and evasion must come to an end.”