Miro comments on the ‘big differences’ between WWE and AEW

During an appearance on Kurt Angle’s podcsat, AEW star Miro talked about how the company is different from WWE…

“Big differences, first, the creative. There’s no writers, we just have Tony [Khan] that writes certain things. But on a day-to-day basis, you’re pretty much in charge of your own writing. If you have a promo, yeah, Tony may have a suggestion, but usually, it’s going to be on you and what do you want to say. The matches, yeah, we have producers, or agents, or coaches as we call them, but they’re not going to be on every match and they’re not as hands-on as WWE is. They’re not going to tell you ‘Oh, they dived in the last match so you can’t do dives before that,’ the control level, it’s all about peer-to-peer. There’s not going to be a middle man, there’s not going to be a man on top that tells you what you can and can’t do. I had times where Vince tells me ‘Don’t smile, don’t look at the people, don’t raise your hand, don’t do this.’ Tony Khan is not going to do this, he’s a big wrestling fan and he wants to see good wrestling matches. The styles, you can tell the style is much different. If you watch WWE, you can tell it’s kind of the same pattern, same storyline, same people. While in AEW, we’re trying to be way different than that. Our matches are different, we have a lot more Attitude Era-ish, not with the blood and stuff, but just more Attitude Era to it. It’s more adult-oriented.”

“The biggest thing is the freedom. Also, we don’t travel 300 days in a row, we have one show a week, sometimes two, sometimes three if we have pay per views or whatever. Those are only so often and that’s what I love the most. The opportunity for me to rest my body, being home with my wife, going to work, doing my best and then going home and resting again. I think Tony was talking about off-seasons as well and all of that, he’s just a way different thinker. It’s not just the old carny thinking which I think a lot of wrestling promoters are just carny. This old carny vibe, they’re all trying to screw you over while I don’t think Tony is like that. I think Tony is a businessman first, he owns quite a few successful businesses and sports franchises and that’s how he operates for it.” (quotes courtesy of WrestlingInc.com)