Mercedes Mone sets the record straight about her departure from WWE

Mercedes Mone, formerly Sasha Banks, spoke at Planet Comicon and commented on her departure from WWE…

“First of all, nobody knows the story. You don’t know the story, but you’re reading whatever you want to read and believe whatever you want to believe. Nobody knows the story because I haven’t said anything, and I’m not going to say anything because that’s just the classy boss that I am. The CEO, but one thing, it’s up to them. It’s up to Dakota (Kai). It’s up to everybody else to come back. That’s great for them. That’s awesome. That’s their dream, but I went after mine, which was going to Japan. You have to follow your heart and follow your soul and follow your dreams, and this was always a dream of mine that I never got to accomplish. As I’m growing in my career, I’d been in the WWE for almost ten years. I had to have a change. I had to feel something different in my heart and my soul. I had to go after a whole new dream and a whole new chapter and a whole new destiny for me, and this is what I wanted for me, and this is what I wanted to make happen for me, that’s it. This is what I’m going for. This is my dream.” (quote courtesy of