Matt Riddle says his personal life is “in shambles” but his professional life is “amazing”

During an appearance on Corey Graves’ After The Bell podcast, Matt Riddle commented on his life in and out of the ring…

“Well, I’ll say this. My personal life is in shambles. I’m not gonna cry on this show, but my personal life is pretty brutal. It’s been a rough year for me, a rough couple years dude. But yeah, professionally, though, my life is amazing. It’s great. I think right now, I think for tag team wrestling when Randy [Orton] was here, I was at my apex of tag team wrestling. I think right now when it comes to my singles career, I’m still in its infancy. I feel like especially this year, you know, take Money in the Bank for example. I was so close to getting that briefcase and then I got knocked up after already RKOing Seth off the top and doing all this crazy stuff. I wrestled Roman [Reigns], hit him with an RKO, almost had him and almost had him again, but didn’t. So I just feel like right now in my singles career, I’m like the little engine that can’t [he laughs]. I’m chugging along, but once I get to the top of the hill, I seem to run out of steam. You know, but right now, I think this match with Seth [Rollins] tomorrow will take me to that next level. I think it’s a steady process uphill, but my engine can keep going. I got the fuel. I got the coal bro. I’m gonna keep throwing it in the fire and I’m gonna make it up over this hill, and I think I’m gonna see my next singles championship sooner than later. Definitely sooner than Seth, bro.” (quote courtesy of

Earlier this year, Riddle’s ex-wife announced that they had gotten a divorce.