Matt Hardy urges fans to ‘know all the facts before making a conclusion’

Matt Hardy said the following in a video that was published to his Twitter account…

“In this day and age, there is so much information on the internet available to each and every one of us. Now, there’s so much we can read, but that doesn’t necessarily mean all of it’s correct, that doesn’t mean all of it is all accurate. There’s also a lot of disinformation and misinformation and confusing information. There are so many people out there that will read one thing about a particular story and because of that one piece of a bigger puzzle or bigger picture, they will jump to a conclusion. They will pass judgment on a situation. The thing I ask of each and everyone out there is like when you hear about a situation and you find out one thing, make sure you find out as many facts as possible, get as many pieces of the puzzle, get as many pieces of the picture before you form a conclusion because if you don’t, you may end up looking bad because it is very important in this day and age to know all the facts before you make a solid conclusion.” (quote courtesy of