Lex Luger comments on his current relationship with WWE and if he still follows wrestling

During his Lex Expressed podcast, former WCW world champion Lex Luger commented on his current relationship with WWE and if he still follows wrestling…

“I’m still an ambassador, which is a great program with WWE. They have some things they send us out on and we’re involved with behind the scenes. I’m a fan now. I feel like more part of the wrestling family now than I did when I was wrestling. I feel like I’ve come full circle. When I go to the comic cons and the fans come up and they bring their kids and they say, ‘Hey, this is who I watched when I was your age,’ it’s generational. Wrestling fans, I don’t know how else to explain it, they’re just special, and I feel like I’m a fan now.

I watch what’s happening in AEW and WWE, even though I’m under contract with WWE, I love it. I’m like going from being a performer to a wrestling fan now and I feel like I’m part of that special family.” (quote courtesy of 411Mania.com)