Lanny Poffo gives his thoughts on Randy Savage’s A&E documentary

In a blog on, former WWE star Lanny Poffo gave his thoughts on his brother Randy Savage’s A&E documentary. Here are a few of the highlights…

“I want to say that 75% of the A&E Biography episode on Randy was great, 20% of it was lousy, and 5% was just horrible. The people responsible for the 5% are Stephanie Bellars (Gorgeous George, Frankenstein, whatever) and Bubba the Love Sponge.

These are two people that speak with authority with absolutely no validity. Bubba, for instance, speculated on who Randy loved all his life, yet he wasn’t even on Randy’s Christmas list, so how was he going to know that?”

“I don’t give marital advice because I am already divorced. Evidently, that didn’t bother multiple divorced men from going on television to criticize Randy’s divorce and rant about things they know nothing about.

For example, Bubba the Love Sponge — when was the last time a woman ever made love to him and meant it? It was in poor taste to even put him out there.

Roddy Piper and Stone Cold Steve Austin were glorified in these A&E episodes while Randy got vilified.

Randy was made to look as bad as Chris Benoit, but I don’t remember my brother murdering anybody.”

A&E Biography of Randy Savage – Lanny Poffo Responds

Many have asked my opinions regarding the A&E Biography episode on my brother, “Macho Man” Randy Savage. I understand reception to the episode has been primarily negative. Having now viewed the show twice, I have some thoughts I would like to share. Finding a way to watch the A&E Biography episode on my brother Randy Savage wasn’t easy.

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