Keith Lee addresses fans amidst his hiatus from AEW since the end of 2023

As previously noted, AEW star Keith Lee publicly stated that he has been working through an injury since 2022 and things have gotten worse. Lee ended up being pulled from the 2023 Worlds End PPV event.

Lee has yet to wrestle in 2024 but did comment on his status in reply to a fan on Twitter/X…

“Doing everything I can to get things handled. Unexpectedly, It turns out I got some more than decent people in my corner. They know who they are…. and I am forever appreciative. All will be well in time. They will help me get done, what needs to be done. Appreciate the Love.”

Lee also wrote the following…

“I don’t spend a lot of time with social media these days. But I wanted to make sure I popped on here to give thanks to many of you… The ones who reach out privately. The ones who tweet publicly. The ones who share positive things. I see you. I thank you. I appreciate you.”