Joe Hendry comments on his contractual status with TNA Wrestling amidst WWE appearances

TNA Wrestling Joe Hendry has made multiple appearances for the WWE NXT brand over the past several weeks. During an appearance on Chris Jericho’s podcast, Hendry addressed his contractual status with TNA…

“We’ve got a while, but because of the working relationship, I really feel like anything is possible. I’m very thankful to TNA management. Any time, not once have I gone to them with an opportunity, and not once have they said no. I’ve gone to them and said, ‘I think this would be great.’ They always support me. There was a time recently, I went to TNA, they had some big matches for me coming up, and I said, ‘I want to go to Orlando and I want to train with Ace Steel and Natalya and Tyson Kidd. I’m going to go. If you want to help me facilitate this, I would appreciate it.’ They said, ‘What can we do to help?’ Whenever I’ve tried to invest in myself, TNA has helped me do that. They’ve been behind me all the way. They’re very giving to the ideas and opportunities that present themselves. I really feel like anything is on the table.”

Hendry also commented on a potential match against John Cena…

“I really, with my whole heart, 100 percent believe that’s going to happen. And I don’t just think it’s like the universe is going to give it to me. It’s my job to make that the most compelling story possible for John Cena.” (quotes courtesy of Jeremy Lambert and