Internal reactions to Vince McMahon appearing on television following allegations

As previously noted, Vince McMahon has temporarily has stepped down as WWE Chairman & CEO. Stephanie McMahon, who will be filling in as the interim Chairman & CEO, issued a message to WWE staff.

In a Q&A on, Mike Johnson addressed the internal reactions to Vince McMahon appearing on television since allegations against him were made public. People within the company are said to be waiting to see how bad things get and are trying to not get caught up in the situation. Johnson wrote the following…

“There’s also been a lot of headshaking at Vince McMahon putting himself back on TV in what some have seen as an act of denial towards anyone questioning him and whether that will come back to bite him. Some have wondered if this will be the beginning of the end for him, but that seems to be a minority based on what we have heard. There’s been more talk about whether larger checks and balances will be put into practice in the company and if so, how could anyone enforce them on Vince.”

There is said to be sympathy for Stephanie McMahon for her returning to the company so quickly after stepping away. Johnson also noted that was a general “who else were they going to choose” reaction to Bruce Prichard stepping in as the interim head of talent relations due to his loyalty to the company over the years.