Health update on Jim Ross heading into the 2024 AEW/NJPW Forbidden Door PPV event

Last month, AEW personality Jim Ross wrote on Twitter/X that he had an “unexpected” trip to an emergency room in Norman, Oklahoma due to “shortness of the breath.” JR later posted a photo of himself in the hospital and wrote to a fan that he is going to quit smoking.

During his podcast, JR provided an update on his health heading into the 2024 AEW/NJPW Forbidden Door PPV event…

“I contracted a virus, which was not cool. So the guy that helps me here and runs my website, Steven Link, he picked me up and brought me home and I was feeling really bad. I don’t know why I got to feeling bad. So, we went to the emergency medical thing. They admitted me to the hospital right away. So that was kind of scary. I stayed in the hospital here in Oklahoma for 3 nights I think it was. I was diagnosed as having I think they called it virus A or something along those lines. I struggled a little bit for 3 days. But I got over the hump like I always do. It seems like I always kick out. I can’t do any jobs, you know, not in Oklahoma.”

“I stayed in the hospital a few days. The beautiful part I realized is I have two daughters that are very helpful and one especially is helpful because she’s a licensed physician assistant so she can interpret all the doctor stuff and all that. That’s been really good. So I got out of the hospital, obviously. I’m not there now and feeling better. It was a viral thing. I wasn’t prepared for it quite frankly. I had to get on oxygen. I had an oxygen unit in my home. Still do. I’m not using it because I don’t need it. So I had a little challenge but that’s the way it is.”

“The next time I’m going on the road will be for the AEW pay-per-view so I’m gonna resume my schedule. So I’ll be at the next pay-per-view, as far as I know. If Tony Khan doesn’t want me there then he’ll tell me but that’s not been the case. He’s been very supportive, which I appreciate. He’s been a really good boss in that respect and I appreciate that. He doesn’t have to be as nice to me as he is but he’s very nice and I’m very appreciative.” (quotes courtesy of