Former WWE star says he still makes six-figures due to merchandise

During an appearance on Eric Bischoff’s 83 Weeks podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Scott Hall talked about the NWO’s impact on his life after wrestling…

“I’ve got three signings in the New York area and I’ll be darned, and I’m sure you see it E [Eric Bischoff] you go to these appearances and praise God there’s always a long line. I’m amazed, I haven’t wrestled in forever, but there’s always a line. But now there’s little kids that will come up to you with a little nWo shirt, throwing the Wolfpack up, and I’m going ‘You weren’t even born when this was happening.’ And they’ll talk to you about the whole angle. So thank you to WWE Network for keeping us vital and all those guys in WWE merch for coming out with sweet merch. [laughs]”

“Yeah, I mean I’m making six-figures just off merch. And every once in a while when you make an appearance you get paid more. The funny part is that now when I hardly ever work for them or or do anything the payoffs are always way better. It’s always first class air fair, they always have a driver at the airport. Now when I was filling seats for them and travelling all around the world, I couldn’t get sh*t. [laughs] (quotes courtesy of