Former WWE star Maven addresses internet speculation about his sexuality
In a video published to his YouTube channel, former WWE star Maven addressed internet speculation about his sexuality…
“Most people just assume—and I don’t know why—that I am [gay]. I guess, you know, like Jerry Seinfeld said, ‘I’m clean, I’m neat, and I take care of myself.’ I guess that makes me gay. I am not. I have 48 years of unblemished heterosexuality. If you’re gay, that’s fine. I don’t judge people, never have, never will. The fact that people judge me, does it bother me? Not really. If you think I’m gay and that makes you happy, keep thinking it. I could care less.”
“Not married, never been married, more than likely never will be married,” he confessed. But he’s not out here living the bachelor life either. “I’ve been with the same girl for 13 years. So, are we married? No, technically on paper by law, we are not. But, I mean, after 13 years… common law marriage is seven, we’ve been together 13, so we’re almost at double common law. I’m not married, but I’m settled down. Sorry ladies and gay men.” (quotes courtesy of