Former WWE ring announcer JoJo Offerman comments on potentially making a return to the company

During a virtual signing for Southern Wrestling Autographs, former WWE announcer JoJo Offerman commented on potentially making a return to the company…

“It’s always in the back of my mind that it’s something I want to do. I strongly believe that when the time is right, when the moment is right, it’s something that hopefully I can get back to, but I’d say I miss it, I miss traveling, I miss the kind of family that you create when you’re there. But I also love my life with my kids. But I would never say never. I’d love to get back to it. Especially now, they’re old enough. They’re in a place where they’re going to school, so I’m trying to kind of find my own rhythm, my own kind of thing to do again. It’s all new to me, it’s a scary thing, but I think that I would love to get back in the business. If I were, I definitely want to kind of explore more of the character aspect of it more than announcing only. I never got to show that side of me yet, so it’s kind of unknown to everyone what could be done.”

JoJo also commented on the idea of returning as a manager…

“Oh, 100%. I would love that, I would. I have great acting skills [laughs], I’m so good. Just kidding. But I really would. There’s no one in particular that I can think of right now. I would love to say Wyatt Sicks, but at the sane time, I feel like that’d be a lot, and they have so much going on, I wouldn’t want to disturb that. But I don’t know. I feel like start a new faction [laughs], why not? As for who I want in it, that will take me some time.” (quotes courtesy of Jeremy Lambert)