Erick Rowan reveals the original idea for his mystery “pet” in the cage

During an interview with NBC Sports Boston, WWE’s Erick Redbeard (Erick Rowan) revealed the original idea for his mystery “pet” in the cage from 2020 which ended up being a giant spider…

“Seth Rollins was the big babyface at the time and I was told it was going to be a pet rat, which is great because it tied into my last feud where I tried to kill a man being Roman Reigns with a vehicle. Probably get a court appointed therapist who told me to get a therapy pet which would have been a rat. I’m like, this is great. This is going to be good for me, and hopefully draw some more eyes to the product and a great story, and Seth backstage was going to curb stomp it by accident. I was like, this is a great idea to start a feud even though I have to carry around the cage and not really tell a story for a couple weeks, but then he turned heel close to a few weeks after that and it just kept getting extended and extended until the awesome reveal.” (quote courtesy of