Enzo Amore reveals advice that was given to him by Jon Moxley

During an appearance on the Piers Austin’s Shooting The Sh*t UNCENSORED! show, former WWE star Enzo Amore talked about the end of his WWE run in early 2018 and advice that Jon Moxley aka Dean Ambrose gave him…

“Did I leave [WWE] on my own terms? No. But when I was there, man I was — I had no plans on re-negotiating a contract, re-signing with the company. I was gonna ride it to the wheels fell off, literally. When my contract day ends, I was gonna do what Dean Ambrose did. They never re-signed me for years. I was only under contract for one WrestleMania so I was a week away from the [Royal] Rumble and now my contract is gonna slip through the cracks and they don’t even realize it at the time. I’m signed with Barry [Bloom] at that time but you know, that was two years ago so…”

“I had a seven-year run in the WWE that you couldn’t — it’s storybook material so, including the way I walked out, so it was a wild time. I had such a good time. I don’t have any regrets about my run in the WWE. I don’t hold any animosity, I’m not bitter at all. I just think that some of the best advice I got in pro wrestling was early on in my career from a guy who might not even know he said it. Jon Moxley said, ‘Don’t let them use you, use them’ and then I watched him go out there and personify that in ways that are inexplicable. You can’t explain the ways in which that guy was able to walk out on his terms and walk into another big money deal.” (quotes courtesy of PostWrestling.com)