Eddie Kingston: “Sometimes I break down because sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve it”

During the debut episode of AEW Meal & a Match, Eddie Kingston commented on getting emotional during his wrestling career…

“The last time I cried was when I beat KENTA for the New Japan Strong Openweight Championship in Korakuen Hall…when I first broke in, I didn’t want to wrestle in America. I wanted to do it in Japan because to me the Japanese professional wrestling style fits me better. I wouldn’t say it’s the best but it fits me better. So being able to do it after 22 years of struggling and making a lot of mistakes and a lot of enemies, it just broke me down emotionally because I couldn’t believe it that this was actually real.”

“That freaks me out. That’s the other deep part too is that when I do reflect, a lot of times it’s by myself in the hotel room after the show or after a moment. Sometimes I break down because sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve it. That’s one of my curses that I have. It’s such a weird thing that it’s actually happening. Before AEW, I was selling my wrestling stuff to be able to pay my mortgage. At the time I was like, this is it, it’s over. I talked a little sh*t on Cody and they just picked up from there and it’s been a whirlwind but like I said, when I do reflect, I’m happy but I still doubt myself and I still am insecure about certain things. So then I just kind of sit there and go do I really deserve this? I don’t like the compliments. I don’t like people telling me I’m an inspiration and stuff like that because it’s weird because I’m just me. I’m me 24 hours a day.” (quotes courtesy of WrestlingNews.co)