Eddie Kingston addresses claims that the AEW locker room is “divided” due to CM Punk

AEW star Eddie Kingston did a Q&A with NYPost.com and here are a couple of highlights regarding CM Punk…

Q: What did you think of how CM Punk handled his comeback and how he jumped into things on Collision this week?

A: “He did it his way and that’s the way wanted to do it. I expected it. I knew it was happening, knowing Punk and what he thought was right for him. That’s it. I see the reports. I see the clickbait on YouTube. But the locker room is not divided, not the people I hang out with. Punk’s gonna do what Punk does and if whatever Punk does helps this company, no one can say anything.”

Q: So there hasn’t been this feeling in the locker room that things that he’s said have bothered at least a large portion of it?

A: “Not me, man. Not my crew of people I hang out with. Maybe there’s that one percent that are bothered but the people I chill with, they’re good. They don’t care.”