Details regarding Shane McMahon’s encounter with The Young Bucks amidst internet rumors

It was reported during the summer that AEW President Tony Khan had a private meeting with Shane McMahon and a photo of them together “leaked” online. This week, The Young Bucks (Matthew and Nicolas Jackson) shared a photo of themselves with Shane with the caption “interesting flight today.” noted the following about the encounter…

“A source who was on the flight has told Cultaholic that The Young Bucks and Shane McMahon were both on the 6:29 am ET flight from New York City’s John F. Kennedy International Airport to Salt Lake City, Utah, which is a popular destination for connecting flights to California.

The source further revealed that The Bucks and McMahon were seen speaking and laughing together prior to boarding the plane. Shane was sat in the row directly behind The Young Bucks in first class, although McMahon claimed it was just a ‘coincidence’ that he and Matt and Nick Jackson were on the same flight.”