Dave Batista comments on which WWE star he thinks would be successful as a Hollywood actor

In a video with Buzzfeed to promote his new movie The Killer’s Game, Dave Batista commented on which WWE star he thinks would be successful as a Hollywood actor…

“You know who I think was really overlooked as an actor — I don’t know if he hasn’t pursued it as much as he’d like to because he’s still heavily pursuing professional wrestling — but is CM Punk, Phil Brooks.

His potential in acting is pretty unlimited. So I really want to see more from him in acting. I’d actually love to work with him. Because I think he has a passion for acting, but I think still his heart is in professional wrestling. Until he’s able to let that go a little bit, he’ll never be able to fully envelop himself in acting. But I think Phil Brooks, he’s a great actor.” (quote courtesy of F4WOnline.com)