Chuck Taylor comments on a potential return to wrestling from his “career-ending” injury

While being interviewed by Renee Paquette, AEW’s Chuck Taylor commented on an ankle injury that has potentially ended his in-ring wrestling career. Taylor noted that he is waiting to have surgery so he can learn the production side of AEW television…

“I can get surgery. And once I heal from that, I can hopefully reassess…maybe it’s me hoping. But a lot of guys and gals have come back from ‘career-ending’ injuries.”

“It’s not really an emergency, they said. I can’t do anything athletic. Eventually, they said, I’ll get terrible arthritism, and then all they can do is fuse it. But that’s years down the line, so I’m hoping maybe take the summer to really feel comfortable in the job, I don’t want to learn half of it and then piss off for a while, so hopefully after the summer is my hope.” (quotes courtesy of