Chris Jericho reveals how much money he made from his first contract with WWE

During his podcast, Chris Jericho revealed how much money he made when he left WCW for WWE in 1999…

“Walking into that dressing room, I had a fairly good guarantee: I got paid $450 grand a year guaranteed to come in, which was a lot less than WCW was offering me, but I didn’t care about the money. I just cared about the opportunity. It was a lot more than a lot of people were making in WWE so at the time, guaranteed contracts were just starting to become a thing, which is so laughable when you think about it now.

I have kind of a target on my back of this ‘hot young upstart coming in, he’s interrupting The Rock, he’s got this big push, this big contract.’ There was kind of a lot of odds stacked against me when I first walked into the dressing room.” (quote courtesy of